Monday, February 27, 2012

Florida Floating Wetland Platforms to Clean Stormwater - Harvesting Biomass Field Work - Nutrients In and Nutrients Out

Floating wetlands act as floating littoral shelves, providing a platform for plants to grow.

Aquatic plants then absorb pollutants and toxins in the stormwater and sequester the toxins, nitrogen, carbon and phosphorous in their biomass.

Plants on floating platforms can sequester up almost ten percent of their dry weight in the form of nitrogen and phosphorous and much more in the form of carbon.

Acres of floating wetlands could easily help to resolve total maximum daily limit (TMDL) issues and in fact could offer an opportunity to create TMDL credits if the appropriate biomass harvesting program were initiated.

Understanding Nutrients In and Nutrients Out is an important component to a successful Floating Wetlands nutrient removal program.

The above slideshow shows a mature floating wetland field trial having the above surface biomass harvested for composting.

Floating wetlands provide habitat, sequester carbon, nitrogen and other pollutants, pump oxygen into the air, clean CO2 from the air, offer beauty, clean stormwater, create economic opportunities and more.

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